
Why Should set up an Indoor Playground Area in the Daycare Center?

The main purpose of setting up indoor playground areas in daycare center is to make up for the limitations of outdoor weather or site conditions, provide rich indoor playground game experiences, and promote the all-round development of children.

The setting of indoor playground areas in daycare center is of great significance to the growth and development of children.

First of all, indoor daycare playgrounds can provide children with a relatively free and open space to meet their needs for games and exploration.

A good indoor playground design should be conducive to stimulating children’s creativity, creating a diverse space environment through freely combinable and transformable amusement facilities, and bringing rich indoor soft play game experiences to children.

In addition, the setting of indoor playground areas in daycare also focuses on the cultivation of children’s aesthetics and social interaction. Through color matching, art decoration and diversified amusement settings, it subtly influences children’s aesthetics. At the same time, through open indoor playground space layout and diversified indoor amusement equipment, it promotes the cultivation of children’s social interaction and cooperation ability.

The creation of daycare indoor playground design also takes into account the physical development and health needs of children. According to the requirements of the “Guidelines for Learning and Development of Children Aged 1-6”, daycare center should implement the principle of combining care and education to promote the harmonious physical development of children. The creation of a preschool indoor playground environment, especially under adverse climatic conditions such as rainy season and haze, can make up for the lack of outdoor play games, ensure daily physical activity time for children, and promote the healthy and harmonious development of children’s physical fitness, intelligence, emotions, personality, cognition, etc.

In summary, the indoor playground area is set up in daycare to provide children with sufficient exercise and game space under adverse climatic conditions, and at the same time, through careful design and layout of the indoor daycare playground, promote children’s creativity, aesthetic ability, social skills and physical health. The most important task for preschool children is indeed to play. The preschool stage is an important period of children’s development, and playground games play a vital role in this stage. Playground games are not only the nature of children, but also an important way for them to learn and explore the world. Through daycare indoor playground games, children can exercise their reaction ability, coordination ability, and social skills. In games, children can express their thoughts and emotions freely, which is an experience that they can hardly get in the adult world. Therefore, daycare and parents should fully realize the importance of games to the development of young children and create conditions for children to play to their heart’s content.‌

Cowboy is the expert for kindergarten/preschool/daycare supplies

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